Maxillo Facial Injuries
The after affects of a Maxillo Facial injury can have a psychological bearing on the patient as they may well be deformed and scarred from their injuries
From the description above you can work out that the main problem is airway obstruction caused by swelling, physical obstruction from broken teeth and from blood from the mouth or nose. Secondly if the impact is severe enough to cause facial damage then you must always suspect a C spine injury will also be present.
Because a C spine injury requires inline immobilisation this
means the patient needs to be on a spinal board, this then
presents a further problem of blood and fluid running down the
throat, again airway obstruction can occur. Incline the spinal
board on a folded blanket to allow postural drainage. Suction
is another option.
Reassurance, Entonox for pain relief, Oxygen, Take broken teeth to hospital as these can be put back in when in surgery.
Transport to Hospital
Professional Handover